Most people are looking to improve their physical, mental or emotional health in some way. 

Perhaps to be a better leader, entrepreneur, parent, husband or wife, friend...or perhaps to feel happier, healthier and more abundant in life.

If this is you, you are in the right place. 

Maybe you're feeling lost, apathetic with no motivation or drive. 

You've perhaps spent years working on yourself, but still feel a bit 'meh', and you don't know why. 

You're maybe confused about all of the conflicted advice about what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, when not to eat, what supplements to take... if any at all. 

Maybe you've built a business or career that you once felt great about, but now you seem to have lost the passion for it. 

Perhaps you consider yourself to be healthy, but still have aches, pains and niggles that you want to get rid of. 

You know that mindset work is hugely important, yet you still seem to struggle when it comes to reaching the next level of the health or success you want.

Whatever it is you're looking to improve or you're struggling with, the answer is not in just one area. 

- to shift your mindset, you may need to work on your nervous system. 

- to feel happier and more abundant, you perhaps need to settle your adrenals and hormonal system. 

- to get rid of aches and pains, you might need to release emotional trauma that is stored in the body. 

Focusing on one area alone will not make you feel whole. 

You need a variety of techniques, to help your body to heal at a deep cellular and subconscious level.

This way you can start advancing your health and wellbeing in body, mind AND spirit so you can live a full, healthy and happy life feeling whole, accomplished and fulfilled. 

Hi, I'm Karen Goodchild

I believe that when you release low stored vibration from your body and mind (thoughts, emotions and beliefs from past experiences) and become more consciously connected to your mind, body and soul, then miracles in healing can happen.

I have experienced the results myself, and I have seen the results in my clients. 

They never cease to amaze me. 

I have trained in a variety of modalities all of which help to bring the body, mind and soul back into balance, including Systematic Kinesiology, Nutritional Therapy, Emotion & Body Code, and Kundalini Yoga. 

I am also passionate about teaching people how to heal themselves and others, with a background and Masters degree in education.

Every session and programme I offer is unique and bespoke. There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to health.

I am passionate about helping people live a full life feeling whole, creating the most effective healing designs, based upon individual needs and capacity. 

Working with Me

I offer a choice of in-person or online 1:1 programmes.

Every programme is uniquely designed to help meet individual goals.

I use a blend of muscle testing and advanced vibrational healing techniques to identify and release the root cause of imbalances in the body and mind that are preventing optimal health, wellbeing and life fulfilment.  

Some common focuses include:-

  • Identifying and relieving the root cause of pain
  • Emotional stress release
  • Mindset shifts
  • Stress management
  • Nutritional deficiency identification
  • Clarity on purpose and desires
  • Goal setting and belief shifts
  • Digestive, hormonal or immune system reset
  • Food sensitivity testing

What's included?

- Weekly 60 minute 1:1 sessions held in-person* or online (usually Tues-Thurs, 10am-3pm. Other times can be made available, including evenings). 

- Message support Mon-Thurs 10am-3pm.

- A bespoke plan of action to implement between sessions, which may include meditations, exercises, nutrition changes, supplement protocol, online programmes, or any other action that is required to help you achieve your goals. 

- Accountability - I will hold you accountable for implementing changes and taking action, ensuring that you get the results you came to me for. 

*In-person sessions are held in Stoke-on-Trent. 

1 Month Support


or 2 x £275 monthly payments


4 weekly sessions

Mon-Thurs message support 

A bespoke implementation & action plan



3 Month Support


or 4 x £385 monthly payments


12 weekly sessions

Mon-Thurs message support 

A bespoke implementation & action plan



6 Month Support


or 8 x £365 monthly payments


24 weekly sessions

Mon-Thurs message support 

A bespoke implementation & action plan



If you are not sure which way is best for you, please contact me and we can have a chat about the best way forward for you. 

Contact Me


Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Me

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